Are Birds Hitting Your Windows? 

There are many reason why birds may be hitting your windows but the most common window strikes happen when they are panicked or being territorial. Birds may also not be able to recognize the reflection as a window and not part of the yard. Some birds may appear to be "stunned" after a collision but can suffer from injuries once flying away. 

Window strikes are most likely to happen during the Spring nesting season because they tend to be more territorial. This causes some to "fight" their own reflection in windows or other competitor birds can be scared away and end up hitting the window. 

Tips to make your windows safer: 

  • Place your feeders either within 3 feet or beyond 10 feet. Feeders 3 feet or closer don't allow for fleeing birds enough time to have built up enough speed to injure themselves if they hit the window. When feeders are more than 10 feet away this gives birds enough time to spot and avoid the window. 
    • This includes using a window feeder which can help birds recognize the window as well as giving you an up close view of them!
  • Putting you feeders near windows with screens with lessen the reflection. If your windows don't have screens, a netting can be installed over windows. 
  • Reflective ribbon hung around the window can act as a deterrent 
  • Window Clings that stick on to the window breaks up the reflection and can help prevent birds from colliding  


  • Hang a windchime in front of or near a window that birds are colliding with to add movement and a way to break up the reflection in the window


  • Some temporary solutions would be to keep interior blinds half open, spread soap around the window, paint with window markers or paint, or use spray on fake snow until a more permanent solution can be installed 
  • Below are good links for more solutions and information about how to prevent birds from hitting your window;

It is also important to note that it is usually not recommended to take care of an injured bird however, an article by the Humane Society says that if you have a bird that has flown into a window you can put it in a carboard box (with holes) and in a dark, quiet place while checking on it every 30 minutes before releasing it back outside. If it doesn't appear to be recovering within a few hours, contact a wildlife rehabilitator. Check out the link below on more information about Wildlife Rehabilitators and how to help injured birds.