1. Birds feeders should be cleaned roughly every 4-6 weeks 

  • During times of heavy traffic, feeders should be cleaned regularly 
  • Hot summer months may require you to clean feeders more often to remove and prevent any seed from molding or spoiling 

2. Disinfect feeders with 9 parts water, and 1 part bleach solution 

  • Disinfecting your feeders with a mild bleach solution is especially important if there is any moldy or spoiled seed 
  • It is also recommended to soak your feeders in the bleach solution to aid in disinfecting 
  • Feeders can also be cleaned and sanitized in the dishwasher 

3. Clean up any seed that has fallen below your feeders 

  • Birds are messy! Any fallen seed or shells can begin to mold and spread disease to your birds
  • Raking up underneath your feeders will also help prevent any unwanted critters in your yard 

4. Hummingbird feeders should be cleaned out every time you refill 

  • In the warmer months, sugar water can go rancid quickly so it's important to rinse out your feeders often 
  • A small nectar port brush can be incredibly helpful at removing any sticky residue that may spoil 

5. If you see any sick birds, take down your feeders immediately 

  • Avian diseases can spread quickly through bird populations especially when they are in large groups 
  • Feeding systems are ideal breeding grounds for diseases, especially when seed is left to spoil 
  • Salmonella is common with finches who flock together
    • Symptoms of this disease include: lethargic birds, puffed up (similar to how the puff trying to stay warm), and not flying away when people approach them 

Check out this video on how to take apart your Eliminator or Squirrel Buster Plus to thoroughly clean it! 

How to Take Apart and Put Together the WBU Eliminator